Peace Through The Storm
Peace amid a storm can be a real challenge. When our world comes crashing in, and we are facing extreme difficulties, even when we pray, peace can appear out of reach. We do the best we can to maintain, while every challenge we face is a training ground for God's good to shine through. And as believers, we are learning to trust in the Lord. So, we seek peace to walk through daily challenges.
Now we may find peace more easily attainable in the smaller issues of life. We reason there is not so much to lose. But our God is a Way Maker through everything. And we will need to know that through any storm, the Lord is there as our beginning and end, to work all things together for good.
Now there are times when extreme issues can occur to get our attention. Perhaps we have been ignoring signs and walking in the wrong direction. The Lord is always beckoning us to follow Him and trust The Way for our good outcome. Sometimes we listen, and there are times we do not. But when we finally come to the end of ourselves to realize that we are not in control, it is here we find the help we need and the deliverance for situations that are super difficult. These bigger challenges allow us to become more awakened to the idea of perfect peace through trust in God.
No one enjoys going through difficult and painful things, but that is life. We are given so much time on earth and then in the twinkling of an eye, our time is over. We can glow through the process and know that our path is laid out before us in perfect Love. So, we need not be afraid.
Help is on the way in every situation when we pray. We need to check our hearts and see who is really in charge. When we put issues in their rightful place, we do better. We are not God. We are simply sojourners needing guidance, direction, covering, deliverance, and most of all peace through changes that lead us on to our eternal home. There is a great joy that comes when we rest in the mighty hand of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the cornerstone of all things past, present, and future.