New Book Has Arrived!

Miss Kristin is well known for her musical compositions and her standout vocal style. The artist has produced a vast array of recordings over 20 years. Now she brings daily inspirations and ideas in, “365 Daily Inspirations ~ Ideas for Higher Living”.


The daily articles reveal sensible suggestions with ways to go through through difficult times victoriously. Her writing style is spurring a return to deeper faith for many readers.


Discover the Path to a Brighter, More Fulfilled Life! “365 Daily Inspirations ~ Ideas for Higher Living" by Kristin Pedderson, also known as "Miss Kristin", is a transformative journey, where you can dive deep into the light and spark the flames of positive change.


In a world that often whirls at a breakneck pace, finding moments of tranquility and elevation can seem like an elusive dream. Kristin has crafted a haven of solace within the pages of this book,  revealing a fresh inspiration each day, with a whisper of wisdom. Every page is meticulously tailored to set your spirit soaring.


These daily treasures are more than just words; they are the steppingstones to higher living. The path begins with a single step, and that step is opening the cover of this remarkable book. Allow Kristin Pedderson's words to dance across your soul, awaken your passions, and guide you towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

365 Daily Inspirations, Higher Living, Kristin Pedderson, Book Cover


Kristin Pedderson, Clarity Over Conflict

“Clarity Over Conflict” is Author Kristin Pedderson's inspirational expression of regaining clarity and focus through difficult situations. 

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11, sure fire, ways, live large, small world, Kristin Pedderson

When we strive to reach our dreams, there are sacrifices to be made and often times the dream itself gets tarnished by these sacrifices. In 11 Sure Fire Ways To Live Large (In A World That Makes You Feel Small), Kristin Pedderson takes the reader on a journey through her personal tips and tricks for living a large life, while building important character and reaching toward dreams. 

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Freedom Wins - Kristin Pedderson - Product Image


Go with Kristin on a healing journey to freedom as an overcomer, and as a single woman in a world of culture and conditioning. 

Coming Soon

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Bright Ways To Become Peaceful Product Image
Living Fearless
Bright Ways To Become Peaceful 

When we are born, we have a new start. We enter the world, whole and untainted. We cross into the threshold of life, natural and ready to learn. Our senses, judgments, and thinking are pure and guiltless. We are open to whatever comes our way. Sooner or later we lose our childlike nature and find that we are adults with realistic expectations and plenty of responsibility. Then as we grow, impressions are made and lessons continue to be learned. Who has time to consider the deeper issues, not to mention change? However, some of us find ourselves in unbearable situations where we are forced to change.


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101 Things To Do

From Home

The Corona Virus has no doubt shaken the world and has brought us to a point where we can no longer engage in activities that used to make up our daily routines. Our lifestyles have been completely turned upside down, and we have found ourselves stuck at home for an unexpected amount of time.

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Kristin Pedderson, Clarity Over Conflict
Clarity Over Conflict
Going the Distance Beyond Distraction


People experience confusion which leads to conflict, due to stimulus and communication breakdown. In addition, domestic violence is on the rise because of daily life stress.   In "Clarity Over Conflict" Kristin Pedderson explores the idea of facing issues head on, utilizing a level of communication that is necessary and when implemented correctly, can and will inspire more clarity in one’s personal life.   


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